Thanks for Ordering Your Copy of Heart of the Fight!


GIFT #1: Rules of Engagement Audio Webinar:

—Enjoy this special webinar on The Rules of Engagement with Dr. Bob Wright:

GIFT #2: You have been entered into the drawing for a complimentary coaching session with Dr. Bob or Dr. Judith [$600 value]

—You have automatically been entered in our drawing for a complimentary coaching session with Dr. Bob or Dr. Judith Wright. Once we have all of our entries completed, we will pull our winner and let you know by email.

GIFT #3: Heart of the Fight Live Q&A with Dr. Bob Wright

—Mark Your Calendar: You have received access to a special LIVE Q&A with Dr. Bob Wright.

The Live Q&A Event will be held:

May 18 starting at 12:15 PM CT for 45 minutes.

[1:15 PM ET, 10:15 AM PST] 

The Conference line number will be: (312) 448-7513

The Rules:

Rule 1 – Accentuate the positive

Rule 2 – Minimize the negative

Rule 3 – No more than 50% of the blame

Rule 4 – 100% responsibility

Rule 5 – Express & agree with the truth, always!

Rule 6 – Fight for something … not against each other

Rule 7 – Assume good will

All rights reserved © The Heart Of The Fight 2015-2023.